[Sigia-l] Re: Re: JJG + A Brand New Bag -- OFF TOPIC Ageism Rant

Derek R derekr at derekrogerson.com
Fri Jul 11 16:59:55 EDT 2003

>| Sorry, the boomer in me can't let an injustice pass

Josephine, I used the adjective 'uninformed' to describe 'baby-boomers'
because they did not have the opportunity to grow up with pervasive
technology products others have today. In other words, they are
'uniformed' in these matters (without experience), and require
'elementary' definitions (i.e. 'boomers' are new to the technology but,
being older, are too busy to explore it and learn it, like, for instance
~ can the average boomer set the clock on their VCR/DVD or do they need
a 9-point plan to follow to accomplish this? OR more to the point, do
they just ask their kids, who accomplish this in short order,

Nowhere am I engaging in an 'ageist' philosophy but rather, I feel, you
are taking a challenge and making it personal by identifying with your
own value system too strongly. You don't need to do this.

Furthermore, the 'boomers' are notorious for being the *me* generation
-- which means the exact opposite of the much of the golden thread you
have spun them with in your post. 

Saying boomers are "much healthier" is an obvious denial given the
skyrocketing obesity rates (strong media coverage on all this) pointing
to the *poor health* of boomers and the children they raised as the
soon-to-be #1 overhead cost for all business in the form of
medical-bills, missed work, sick days, etc. Let's be serious about this.

Also, what is more offensive is to accuse someone of racism, sexism, or
even ageism when, in actual fact, no such sensibility or communication

As far as 'compassion' and 'respect,' it would do well to remember the
practice of these words does not suppose one should adopt aggression as
>| communication is trending toward simpler construction 
>| with succeeding generations... mass and now targeted 
>| media has accelerated that process exponentially

I do not understand how snail-mail > telegraph > telephone > radio > tv
> satellite > WWW > spam equates to a 'simpler construction' trend. It
would appear you have an unique identification of the meaning of

Most modern communication requires lengthy set-up, hi-tech manufactured
equipment, dependency on extensive infrastructure networks, high-cost,
high-maintenance, and all the associated problems of 'mass'
communication (i.e. spam, big media).
Compared to an ink bottle, pen, and a couple of doves, we need to
scrutinize the meaning of the word 'simpler' as you use it here.

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