[Sigcr-l] ECDL 2003 - 17-22 August, Trondheim, Norway: Registration now open
Traugott.Koch at ub2.lu.se
Traugott.Koch at ub2.lu.se
Tue Jun 10 09:31:34 EDT 2003
ECDL 2003 - 17-22 August, Trondheim, Norway
*******Registration now open ******
Registration is now open for ECDL2003 in Trondheim, 17-22 August.
In this email:
- Program at a glance (invited speakers, panels, paper sessions, tutorials
and workshops)
- Information about the venue
- Registration details for ECDL2003 (early bird DEADLINE 1 JULY)
Registration forms and full program and travel details are available at:
This year's program includes thirteen sessions with full and short
scientific papers in two parallel tracks; three invited talks; three
special panels; over 50 posters and demonstrations; nine tutorials and
five workshops. The conference venue offers wireless network facilities
(as well as standard Internet access at specific points), providing
additional opportunities for communication and collaboration between
Invited speakers
We are pleased that the proceedings on each day of the conference will be
opened by one of the following invited speakers:
- John Lervik, Co-founder and Chief Executive Officer, Fast Search &
Transfer (FAST).
- Clifford Lynch, Executive Director, Coalition for Networked Information
- Karen Sparck-Jones, Professor of Computers and Information, Computer
Laboratory, University of Cambridge.
Three panel topics aim at stimulating controversy, lively debate and active
audience participation:
* The Future of Academic Publishing. Chair: Leo Waaijers.
* Digital? Libraries? All these question-marks. Chair: Stefan Gradmann.
* Digital Preservation. Chair: Seamus Ross
Paper sessions
Thirteen paper sessions in two parallel tracks feature just under 50
papers. Session headings include:
-Uses, users and user interaction
-Metadata applications
-Annotation and recommendation
-Automatic classification and indexing
-Web technologies
-Topical crawling. Subject gateways
-Architectures and systems
-Knowledge organization: Concepts
-Collection building and management
-Knowledge organization: Authorities and works
-Information retrieval in different application areas
-Digital preservation
-Indexing and searching of special document and collection information
The five workshops (21 and 22 August) cover a broad spectrum of application
areas. Most have their own Web sites and encourage active participation
from the audience. Calls for proposals for project and other presentations
during the workshops are still available. See details of workshops on the
conference Web site for dates, details and deadlines.
Workshop 1 : Digital Library Evaluation - Metrics, Testbeds, and Processes
(Ronald Larsen, University of Pittsburgh)
Workshop 2 : Networked Knowledge Organization Systems/Services (NKOS):
Evolving Standards (Denise Bedford, The World Bank, Washington, DC, U.S.A.,
Martin Doerr, Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and
Technology - Hellas (FORTH), Greece, Gregory Shreve, Director, Institute
for Applied Linguistics, Kent State University, USA, Douglas Tudhope,
Hypermedia Research Unit, University of Glamorgan, UK)
Workshop 3 : Digital Libraries in Healthcare
( Patty Kostkova, Institute of Health Sciences, City University, London,
UK, Anne Adams, UCL Interaction Centre, UCL, London, UK)
Workshop 4 : Web Archives
(Catherine Lupovici, Bibliothèque nationale de France)
Workshop 5 : CLEF 2003 - Workshop of the Cross-language Evaluation Forum
(Carol Peters - Italian National Research Council)
We feature a very rich tutorial program, with nine tutorials offering
insights into established and new topics at both introductory and advanced
levels. Full or half-day tutorials take place on Sunday 17 August:
Tutorial 1 : Usability Evaluation of Digital Libraries (full day)
(Suzette Keith, Bob Fields, Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University)
Tutorial 2 : Indexing and Searching Audio/Video Documents in Multimedia
Digital Libraries (half-day) (Giuseppe Amato, Claudio Gennaro, Pasquale
Savino, STI-CNR, Pisa, Italy)
Tutorial 3 : Music Information Retrieval using Audio and Symbolic
Representations (half-day) (George Tzanetakis, Computer Science Department,
Carnegie Mellon University)
Tutorial 4 : Thesauri and Ontologies in Digital Libraries 1: Structure and
use in knowledge-based assistance to users (half-day) (Dagbert Soergel,
College of Information Studies, Univ. of Maryland.)
Tutorial 5 : Thesauri and Ontologies in Digital Libraries 2: Design,
evaluation, and development (half-day) (Dagobert Soergel, College of
Information Studies, Univ. of Maryland.)
Tutorial 6 : Introduction to Geo-Referencing in Digital Libraries (half-day)
(Linda Hill, Alexandria Digital Library Project, Department of Geography,
University of California, Santa Barbara, Michael Freeston, Project
Coordinator, Alexandria Digital Earth Prototype Project, Department of
Computer Science, University of California, Santa Barbara)
Tutorial 7 : How to build a Geospatial Digital Library (half-day)
(James Frew, Assistant Professor, Donald Bren School of Environmental
Science and Management, University of California, Santa Barbara, Gregory A.
Janée, Rudolf W. Nottrott, University of California, Santa Barbara,
Department of Computer Science, Alexandria Digital Library, Catherine Masi,
Davidson Library, University of California , Santa Barbara)
Tutorial 8 : Multilingual Information Access (half-day)
(Fredric Gey, University of California, Berkeley)
Tutorial 9 : The CIDOC Conceptual Reference Model - New Standard for
Knowledge Sharing (half-day) (Martin Doerr, Information Systems Lab,
Institute of Computer Science, Foundation for Research and Technology -
Hellas (FORTH), Vassilika Vouton. Stephen Stead, Vice Chair, CIDOC/ICOM.)
Information about the venue
ECDL2003 takes place at The Britannia Hotel, Trondheim, Norway. Opened in
1897, The Britannia was Trondheim?s first great luxury hotel. It has
retained its original elegance whilst offering all the facilities expected
by the modern-day traveller. Its conference facilities include a wireless
network which will be available to ECDL2003 participants. Trondheim has
good national and international connections by air, rail and road, not to
mention the sea, and is an excellent starting point for tours of discovery
of this fascinating country and its neighbours. The conference Web site
offers information about travel to and from Trondheim, as well as tourist
information for those who can spare some time to explore further.
The registration form is available from the conference Web site at
Payment can be made by credit card or bank transfer. Accommodation at the
conference venue, The Britannia Hotel, can also be reserved via the
registration form.
- Conference fee, early registration (before 1 July) : 4000 NOK
- Conference fee, late registration (after 1 July): 4750 NOK
- Conference dinner for accompanying person: 500 NOK
The registration fee for the main conference includes admittance to all
conference sessions, one set of the conference proceedings, lunch and
coffee during the three days of the conference, the reception and the
conference dinner.
Workshop and tutorial fees are as detailed on the registration form.
Registration forms, full conference details and the latest news are at
The Organising Committee would like to thank our sponsors for helping to
make ECDL2003 a success. ECDL2003 is sponsored by:
Fast Search & Transfer ASA
NTNU Library
Norwegian Archive, Library and Museum Authority
NTNU Department of Computer and Information Science
ERCIM - the European Research Consortium for Informatics and Mathematics
SINTEF Tele og Data
BIBSYS - Norwegian service center for libraries
The Research Council of Norway
Nordic Council for Scientific Information
Sun Microsystems
ECDL2003 Publicity Chair
Research Director/Acting Institute Director
Institute for Learning and Research Technology
University of Bristol
Programme Chair of ECDL 2003 (http://www.ecdl2003.org), the
Seventh European Conference on Research and Advanced Technology
for Digital Libraries, August 17-22, 2003, Trondheim, Norway
| TRAUGOTT KOCH, Senior librarian, Digital Library Scientist
| Knowledge Technologies Group, NetLab. Lund Univ. Libraries
| P.O. Box 134. S-221 00 Lund, Sweden
| Tel: int+46 46 2229233 Fax: int+46 46 2223682
| E-mail: traugott.koch at lub.lu.se
| Personal homepage: http://www.lub.lu.se/koch.html
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