[Sigcr-l] CFP: JASIST Special Topic Issue on Intelligence and Security Informatics

Michael Chau mchau at BPA.Arizona.EDU
Mon Jun 16 19:43:47 EDT 2003

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Call for Papers
Special Topic Issue of JASIST
"Intelligence and Security Informatics"

Deadline for submission: July 31, 2003
Guest Editor: Hsinchun Chen, The University of Arizona.

A Special Topic Issue of the Journal of the American Society for
Information Science and Technology (JASIST) is scheduled to come out in
early 2004 on the topic of "Intelligence and Security Informatics." The
guest editor for this special issue will be Hsinchun Chen of the
University of Arizona.

After the tragic events of September 11, 2001, academics have been called
on for possible contributions to research relating to national (and
possibly international) security. As one of the original founding mandates
of the National Science Foundation, mid-to-long term national security
research in the areas of information technologies, organizational studies,
and security-related public policy is critically needed. Similar to
medical and biological research that faces significant information
overload and yet also tremendous opportunities for new innovation, law
enforcement, criminal analysis, and intelligence communities are facing
the same challenge. We believe, similar to "medical informatics" and
"bioinformatics," there is a pressing need to develop the science of
"intelligence and security informatics" - the study of the use and
development of advanced information technologies, systems, algorithms and
databases for national security related applications, through an
integrated technological, organizational, and policy based approach. Many
existing computer and information science techniques need to be
re-examined and adapted for national security applications. New insights
from this unique domain could result in significant breakthroughs in new
data mining, visualization, knowledge management, and information security
techniques and systems. For example, social network analysis technologies
and methodologies could be adopted to uncover and understand Bin Laden’s
terrorist networks to assist the intelligence community in detecting
future attacks. Visual data mining techniques such as association rules
and multi-dimensional information visualization could be used to identify
criminal relationships. Record linkage and string comparator algorithms
could be useful for criminal identity deception detection.

Submissions on all research areas relating to intelligence and security
informatics are welcome and may include system, evaluation, testbed,
policy, and position papers. Research needs to demonstrate relevance to
both informatics and national security.

Topics include but are not limited to:
- Intelligence and security related content creation, management, and access
- Intelligence and security related information interoperability and sharing
- Intelligence and security related methodologies and best practices
- Policy and organizational studies in intelligence and security
- Intelligence and security related knowledge discovery and knowledge
- Criminal data mining, social network analysis, and event detection
- Multimedia intelligence and security information analysis
- Web-based intelligence monitoring and analysis
- Deception detection
- Intrusion detection and information awareness
- Cybercrime detection and analysis
- Agents and collaborative systems for intelligence sharing
- Crime and intelligence visualization
- Bio-terrorism tracking, alerting, and analysis
- Major (natural and man-made) disaster prevention, detection, and management

Inquiries can be made to the guest editor at hchen at bpa.arizona.edu.
Manuscript submissions (four copies of full articles) should be addressed

Professor Hsinchun Chen
Director, Artificial Intelligence Lab and Hoffman E-Commerce Lab
Management Information Systems Department, MCCL 430Z
The University of Arizona
Tucson, AZ 85721
TEL: (520) 621-2748; FAX: (520) 621-2433
http://ai.bpa.arizona.edu/hchen, hchen at bpa.arizona.edu

The deadline for accepting manuscripts for consideration for publication
in this special issue is July 31, 2003. All manuscripts will be reviewed
by a select panel of referees, and those accepted will be published in a
special issue of JASIST. Original artwork and a signed copy of the
copyright release form will be required for all accepted papers. A copy of
the call for papers will be available on the World Wide Web as is further
information about JASIST, at http://www.asis.org/

Michael Chau, Ph.D.
Artificial Intelligence Lab
Dept. of Management Information Systems
The University of Arizona
URL: http://ai.bpa.arizona.edu/~mchau/

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