[Sigmetrics] CfP - EASST/4S Conference BCN 2016- ICT and STS knowledge diffusion: actor's (publishers, authors, editors) strategies, critics and trends.

Sergio D'Antonio Maceiras sergiodantonio at ucm.es
Wed Jan 13 06:49:31 EST 2016

*(apollogies for cross posting)

Call for papers - EASST/4S Conference BCN 2016- ICT and STS knowledge 
diffusion: actor's (publishers, authors, editors) strategies, critics 
and trends.*
Barcelona, Spain, August 31 - September 3 2016

In recent decades scientific metrics have been multiplied exponentially 
thanks to the application of information technologies. The use of impact 
factor and related indexes in the allocation funds process has been 
enacted. However, there have been different initiatives, as DORA 
Declaration or Leiden Manifesto calling the attention on both, the 
unintended consequences of the excessive use of research metrics and the 
misuse of these forms of assessment.  Some of them are related with the 
contempt of local research, mainly in Social Sciences.

On the other hand, knowledge diffusion, one of the first aims in 
Science, is easier than ever with the ICT use as the creation of 
countless journals highlights. But these new actors face some of the 
following ongoing dilemmas: open or closed publication, Green or Gold 
Open Access; .xml or not; English or own languages; SSCI, SCOPUS. In 
short, none of them remain outside hegemonic direction.

The objective in this session *is to explore different collectives 
participating in STS diffusion and to analyze the strategies deployed 
and performed by editors and authors in order to handle metrics pressure 
without forgetting the knowledge diffusion objective*. A second, but not 
less important purpose of the session consists of contributing to 
generate a network for sharing experiences and ideas in these directions 
to produce new actors in the publications debate.

*Convenors: *

Sergio D'Antonio*, *Complutense University of Madrid, Política y Sociedad.

Celia Díaz-Catalán, Complutense University of Madrid, Teknokultura.

Ángel Gordo López, Complutense University of Madrid, Teknokultura.

Deadline for abstract submissions: January 30

Communication of acceptance/rejection of abstracts to authors: February 15:

For more information on the conference: 
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