VOSviewer version 1.6.0 released

Eck, N.J.P. van ecknjpvan at CWTS.LEIDENUNIV.NL
Mon Jan 12 07:37:46 EST 2015

Dear colleagues,

A new version of the VOSviewer software for bibliometric mapping has been released. VOSviewer version 1.6.0 can be freely downloaded at www.vosviewer.com<http://www.vosviewer.com>.

This version represents a major update of VOSviewer. Many new features have become available. The most significant improvements include:
* Improved overlay visualizations
* Scopus support for creating co-citation, bibliographic coupling, and co-authorship maps
* PubMed support for creating term maps
* Improved layout technique
* User interface redesign
* Improved support for Mac systems
Given the many improvements that have been made, users of VOSviewer are strongly recommended to update to this new version of the software.

We also would like to draw your attention to the VOSviewer course that will take place on April 14 and 15 in Leiden, the Netherlands. In this two-day course, participants will learn about all ins and outs of VOSviewer. Registration is still possible. For more information, please see www.cwts.nl/Bibliometric-Network-Analysis-and-Science-Mapping-Using-VOSviewer<http://www.cwts.nl/Bibliometric-Network-Analysis-and-Science-Mapping-Using-VOSviewer>.

As always, we very much welcome your feedback on our software.

Best regards,

Nees Jan van Eck
Ludo Waltman

Nees Jan van Eck PhD
Head of ICT

Centre for Science and Technology Studies
Leiden University
P.O. Box 905
2300 AX Leiden
The Netherlands

Willem Einthoven Building, Room B5-35
Tel: +31 (0)71 527 6445
Fax: +31 (0)71 527 3911
E-mail: ecknjpvan at cwts.leidenuniv.nl<mailto:ecknjpvan at cwts.leidenuniv.nl>
Homepage: www.neesjanvaneck.nl<http://www.neesjanvaneck.nl/>
VOSviewer: www.vosviewer.com<http://www.vosviewer.com/>
CitNetExplorer: www.citnetexplorer.nl<http://www.citnetexplorer.nl>
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