2014 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14) - Still accepting poster and data challenge submissions!

Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia gciampag at INDIANA.EDU
Fri Mar 14 19:08:00 EDT 2014

***Apologies for duplicate postings***

The paper deadline for the 2014 ACM Web Science Conference (WebSci'14)
has passed. We are thrilled to announce that we received 160 paper
submissions! Paper notifications are scheduled for 13 April.

We are, however, still accepting late-breaking extended abstract
submissions (2 pages) for posters and "lightning talk" presentations,
until 23 March. For details, see http://www.websci14.org/#

Also, the  Data Visualization Challenge is accepting submissions
through 15 April, and is offering $1000 in prizes! For details, see:
http://websci14.org/# call-for-data-visualization- challenge.

ACM Web Science 2014 will be held 23-26 June 2014 at Indiana
University, Bloomington. Further information available at
http://www.websci14.org/. For questions, contact webscience-14-
organizers at googlegroups.com.

Giovanni Luca Ciampaglia

✎ 919 E 10th ∙ Bloomington 47408 IN ∙ USA
☞ http://www.inf.usi.ch/phd/ciampaglia/
✆ +1 812 287-3471
✉ gciampag at indiana.edu

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