Reminder: Call for Maps for the 10th Iteration of the Places & Spaces: Mapping Science Exhibit on “The Future of Science Mapping” (2014)

Katy Borner katy at INDIANA.EDU
Tue Jan 28 07:46:14 EST 2014

Dear all,
the deadline for the below call for maps is approaching quickly.
James Burke, British broadcaster, science historian, author, and 
television producer as well as other visionaries, but also experts from 
major government agencies agreed to join the reviewer team.
Best regards,

On 12/10/2013 1:33 PM, Katy Borner wrote:
> *Call for Maps for the 10th Iteration of the /Places & Spaces: Mapping 
> Science/ Exhibit on “The Future of Science Mapping” (2014)*
> **
> **
> ***Background and Goals*
> The /Places & Spaces: Mapping Science/ exhibit was created to inspire 
> cross-disciplinary discussion on how to best track and communicate 
> human activity and scientific progress on a global scale. It has two 
> components: (1) physical exhibits enable the close inspection of high- 
> quality reproductions of large-scale maps for display at public places 
> such as science museums and libraries as well as at conferences and 
> (2) the online counterpart ( provides easy access 
> to zoomable maps, their descriptions and references as well as 
> information on their makers.
> /Places & Spaces/is a 10-year effort. Each year, 10 new maps are 
> added, which will result in 100 maps total in 2014. Each iteration of 
> the exhibit attempts to highlight outstanding examples of 
> visualization design. To accomplish this goal, each iteration compares 
> and contrasts four existing maps with six new maps of science. Themes 
> for the different iterations are:
>   * 1st Iteration (2005): The Power of Maps
>   * 2nd Iteration (2006): The Power of Reference Systems
>   * 3rd Iteration (2007): The Power of Forecasts
>   * 4th Iteration (2008): Science Maps for Economic Decision Makers
>   * 5th Iteration (2009): Science Maps for Science Policy Makers
>   * 6th Iteration (2010): Science Maps for Scholars
>   * 7th Iteration (2011): Science Maps as Visual Interfaces to Digital
>     Libraries
>   * 8th Iteration (2012): Science Maps for Kids
>   * 9th Iteration (2013): Science Maps Showing Trends and Dynamics
>   * 10th Iteration (2014): The Future of Science Mapping
> /
> Places & Spaces/was first shown at the Annual Meeting of the 
> Association of American Geographers in April 2005. Since then, the 
> physical exhibit has been displayed at over 250 venues in 23 
> countries, including 15 in Europe, as well as Japan, China, Brazil, 
> Chile, South Africa, Australia, Canada, and the United States. A 
> schedule of all display locations can be found at 
> <>.
> *Submission Details*
> The 10th and final iteration of the exhibit is devoted to maps of 
> science that point to the future of the practice itself. Micro to 
> macro studies using quantitative and/or qualitative data are welcome, 
> and mixed methods approaches are encouraged. Maps should be 
> understandable by a general audience and might answer questions such as:
>   * How does the structure and dynamics of science evolve?
>   * How does science interact with technology?
>   * How can developments in science and technology be communicated to
>     a general audience?
>   * How can maps of science achieve more extensive and more accurate
>     coverage?
>   * How can maps of science be updated in near-real time?
>   * How does science overlap with other areas of human endeavor and
>     interest?
>   * How do predictions of scientific developments impact the course of
>     history—i.e., can self-fulfilling prophecies be prevented?
> To fit the theme of the 10^th iteration, submissions should innovate 
> on one or more topics such as:
>   * New data sources—social media, stock market, philanthropy, and
>     other data that captures S&T activities.
>   * New hardware and software setups—multi-modal man-machine symbioses
>     that combine analog human wet-ware and digital computer
>     hard+software to achieve superior capabilities.
>   * Proof of concept—science maps that are widely used.
>   * Validation—results of user evaluation and algorithm
>     cross-validation studies.
>   * Standards—well defined, widely shared data formats, analysis and
>     visualization workflows, but also visual languages.
> Given the topic of this iteration, two types of submissions are 
> welcome: (1) Photographs or conceptual sketches of future innovative 
> science map usage—see Otlet’s Mondothèque 
> <>for 
> inspiration. Ideally, the proposed interface or novel usage are 
> paradigm-shifting—disruptive ideas are most welcome. (2) A visual 
> rendering of a dataset together with a legend, textual description, 
> and acknowledgements as required to interpret the map. Maps can be 
> abstract, geographical, or feature-based (e.g., network layout), but 
> are typically richer than simple x-y plots. Data can be used to 
> generate a reference system over which other data—e.g., career 
> trajectories—are overlaid. Data can also be projected onto an existing 
> reference system (e.g., a map of the world). Maps should present fully 
> formed ideas and analysis; they should not be simple sketches of “what 
> we plan to do.” See this PDF map collection 
> <>for an 
> overview of the 90 maps already featured in the exhibit. Given the 
> theme of this iteration, links to interactive web sites, hands-on 
> displays, or interactive tools are strongly encouraged.
> Each initial entry must be submitted by January 31st, 2014, and needs 
> to include:
>   * Low-resolution version of map
>   * Title of work
>   * Author(s) name, email address, affiliation, mailing address
>   * Copyright holder (if different from authors)
>   * Description of work: learning objectives addressed, data used,
>     data analysis, visualization techniques applied, and main insights
>     gained (100-300 words)
>   * References to publications or online sites in which the map appeared
>   * Links to related projects/works
>   * At least three keywords
> Entries should be submitted via EasyChair by clicking here 
> <>. 
> Submit map as pdf file. Enter author info, a title, and three 
> keywords. Submit all other information via the ‘Abstract’ field.
> *Review Process*
> All submissions will be reviewed by the exhibit advisory board. 
> Submissions will be evaluated in terms of
>   * */Scientific value/*—quality of data collection, analysis and
>     communication of results in support of clearly stated learning
>     objectives. Appropriate and innovative application of existing
>     algorithms and/or development of new approaches. This criteria
>     includes the notion of relevance—submissions should showcase the
>     “future".
>   * */Value for decision making/*—what major insight does the map
>     provide and why does it matter? Is the map easy to understand by a
>     general audience? Does it inspire viewers to learn more about
>     science and technology?
> *Final Submission*
> Authors of winning entries will be contacted in late February and 
> invited to submit final entries by April 30th, 2014. Each final entry 
> should consist of:
>   * Title of Work
>   * Author(s) name, email address, affiliation, mailing address
>   * 24 x 30 inch, 300 dpi, landscape version of map using provided
>     template at
> MB)
>   * Official map description (200 words)
>   * Biographies for all authors (about 100 words each)
>   * High resolution portraits of all authors that are no smaller than
>     360 x 450 pixels, or 1.2" x 1.5" at 300 dpi. Larger is always
>     better since we can always crop them down to our specific needs
>     for both print and web.
>   * Signed copyright and reproduction agreement
> Map makers are welcome to use the expertise and resources of the 
> exhibit curators and designers when designing and producing high 
> resolution versions of final maps. The layout and production of the 
> 10th iteration maps are expected to be ready for display by mid-June, 
> 2014.
> Winning mapmakers will be invited to submit a ~1500 word paper for 
> inclusion in a special /Places & Spaces/ edition (October 2014) of the 
> ASIST Bulletin, which is widely read, referenced, and used in 
> classrooms. These papers should include the information from the 
> official map description along with additional detail on data, 
> methods, and how the maps and visuals can be interpreted. Submissions 
> will be due by June 30, 2014. Boyack and Börner, the editors of the 
> special issue, will work closely with the authors to create copy-ready 
> papers.
> *Important Dates*
> Submit initial entries: January 31st, 2014
> Notification to mapmakers: February 28th, 2014
> Submit final entries: April 30th, 2014
> ASIST Bulletin paper (~1500 words): June 30, 2014
> 10th iteration ready for display: June 30th, 2014
> *Exhibit Advisory Board *
>   * Gary Berg-Cross, Spatial Ontology Community of Practice (SOCoP)
>   * Bob Bishop, ICES Foundation
>   * Kevin W. Boyack, SciTech Strategies, Inc.
>   * Donna Cox, Illinois eDream Institute, University of Illinois at
>     Urbana-Champaign
>   * Bonnie DeVarco, Media X, Stanford University
>   * Sara Irina Fabrikant, Geography Department, University of Zürich,
>     Switzerland
>   * Marjorie Hlava, Access Innovations
>   * Peter A. Hook, Doctoral Candidate, Indiana University
>   * Manuel Lima, Royal Society of Arts, Microsoft Bing,
>   * Deborah MacPherson, Accuracy&Aesthetics
>   * Lev Manovich, Computer Science, The Graduate Center, City
>     University of New York
>   * Carlo Ratti, Professor and Director of SENSEable City Laboratory,
>     Massachusetts Institute of Technology
>   * Eric Rodenbeck, Stamen Design
>   * André Skupin, Professor of Geography, San Diego State University
>   * Moritz Stefaner, Freelance Designer
>   * Stephen Uzzo, New York Hall of Science
>   * Caroline Wagner, Battelle Center for Science and Technology Policy
>     and John Glenn School for Public Affairs, Ohio State University
>   * Benjamin Wiederkehr, Founder,
> Please feel free to send any questions you might have regarding the 
> judging process to Todd Theriault (ttheriau at 
> <mailto:ttheriau at>) and use the subject heading “10^th 
> Iteration Inquiry.”
> Constructing a Theories of Learning
> -- 
> Katy Borner
> Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science
> Director, CI for Network Science Center,
> Curator, Mapping Science exhibit,
> ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
> Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
> Phone: (812) 855-3256  Fax: -6166

Katy Borner
Victor H. Yngve Professor of Information Science
Director, CI for Network Science Center,
Curator, Mapping Science exhibit,

ILS, School of Informatics and Computing, Indiana University
Wells Library 021, 1320 E. Tenth Street, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA
Phone: (812) 855-3256  Fax: -6166

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