advice on tracking article level metrics (UNCLASSIFIED)

Faget, Nancy G CIV (US) nancy.g.faget.civ at MAIL.MIL
Wed Oct 30 07:28:46 EDT 2013

Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

I'm trying to demonstrate the complexity of impact on a few articles published 
OA, and there are a few ways I plan to track impact.  But I would appreciate 
advice on what I'm missing and how to capture it.

We'll look at Mendeley, altmetricit, web analytics, related tweets/impact. 
Additionally, I thought a blog post through an academic library that offers 
doctoral degrees in that subject might draw attention and allow us to cross 
promote our jobs.

What are the other thousands of things we're missing in the impact?


Classification: UNCLASSIFIED
Caveats: NONE

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