Google Scholar Metrics

Alvaro Cabezas acabezasclavijo at GMAIL.COM
Fri Apr 13 07:23:22 EDT 2012

Dear colleagues,

Following the discussion about the reliability of Google Scholar as a
source for scientific evaluation, we would like to raise your attention
about Google's new product: Google Scholar Metrics. It was launched just
some days ago and it aims at ranking journals according to their h-index.

Our research group has performed a preliminary analysis of this product,
pointing out their weaknesses but also warning about the potential utility
of Scholar Metrics for assesing journals, and therefore, positioning itself
as a serious competitor for the well-known bibliometric databases.

Cabezas-Clavijo, Á., & Delgado-López-Cózar, E. Scholar Metrics: the impact
of journals according to Google, just an amusement or a valid scientific
tool?, 2012. [Preprint].


Álvaro Cabezas
EC3. Grupo Inv. Evaluación de la Ciencia
y de la Comunicación Científica.
Universidad de Granada
Tlf:958 243939

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