October 2011 Archives by subject
Starting: Sat Oct 1 11:16:53 EDT 2011
Ending: Mon Oct 31 13:49:50 EDT 2011
Messages: 30
- AW: [SIGMETRICS] SV: [SIGMETRICS] World Shares of Publications of the USA, EU-27, and China Compared and Predicated using the New Interface of the Web-of-Science versus Scopus
Haustein, Stefanie
- AW: [SIGMETRICS] SV: [SIGMETRICS] World Shares of Publications of the USA, EU-27, and China Compared and Predicated using the New Interface of the Web-of-Science versus Scopus
Loet Leydesdorff
- AW: [SIGMETRICS] SV: [SIGMETRICS] World Shares of Publications of the USA, EU-27, and China Compared and Predicated using the New Interface of the Web-of-Science versus Scopus
Williams Nwagwu
- SV: [SIGMETRICS] World Shares of Publications of the USA, EU-27, and China Compared and Predicated using the New Interface of the Web-of-Science versus Scopus
Olle Persson
- A few papers of possible interest to SIG Metrics readers
Eugene Garfield
- Counting citations in texts
Eugene Garfield
- ECOOM-colloquium 2011
Engels Tim
- F1000 Journal Rankings — The Map Is Not the Territory
Philip Davis
- First Call for Papers - STI Conference Series, 2012 Edition
Larivière Vincent
- FW: Two New Papers about Scientometrix
Eugene Garfield
- Fwd: [gephi-announce] Gephi 0.8 beta released
Clement Levallois
- Gaming the Impact Factor Puts Journal In Time-out
Philip Davis
- Identifying Key Statistical Papers From 1985 to 2002
Eugene Garfield
- Mapping (USPTO) Patent Data using Overlays to Google Maps
Loet Leydesdorff
- Mics papers of interest to Sig Metrics
Eugene Garfield
- Papers of interest to Sig Metrics
Eugene Garfield
- Papers of potential interest to readers of Sig Metrics listserv
Eugene Garfield
- Papers on bibliometrics/scientometrics
Eugene Garfield
- Ranking for neuroscience journals
Clement Levallois
- Second Call for Papers - 3rd International Symposium on Information Management in a Changing World
Umut AL
- Several papers of possible interest to Sig Metrics readers
Eugene Garfield
- significance test of differences among ranks in the SCImago Institutions Rankings 2011
Loet Leydesdorff
- Some error in ESI (acknowledged, but not detailed by Thomson)
Vladimir Pislyakov
- Triple Helix Conference in Bandung, Indonesia
Loet Leydesdorff
- U.K. Scientific Papers Rank First in Citations
Eugene Garfield
- Various papers of possible interest to Sig Metrics readers
Eugene Garfield
- Various papers of possible interest to Sig Metrics readers
mahmudi zoleikha
- Web-of-Science interface and address information
Loet Leydesdorff
- Wikiscience
Stephen J Bensman
- World Shares of Publications of the USA, EU-27, and China Compared and Predicated using the New Interface of the Web-of-Science versus Scopus
Loet Leydesdorff
Last message date:
Mon Oct 31 13:49:50 EDT 2011
Archived on: Thu Jul 23 10:59:24 EDT 2015
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