Boyack, KW; Klavans, R. 2010. Co-Citation Analysis, Bibliographic Coupling, and Direct Citation: Which Citation Approach Represents the Research Front Most Accurately?. JASIST. 61 (12): 2389-2404

David Wojick dwojick at HUGHES.NET
Sun Jan 9 10:23:49 EST 2011

Indeed Johan, usage data may be the best way to see where the attention of 
science is going.

Here is a recent brief discussion of usage data on the blog of the Society 
for Scholarly Publishing.
So the journals are at least thinking about this.

Could you give us a few links to the latest work in this area?

My best to you,


At 09:59 AM 1/9/2011, you wrote:
>Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>Hi Kevin,
>interesting discussion and work!
>>Nevertheless, I'm sure I'm not the only one who would love to have
>>information on the actual working front.
>I think that is where usage data comes into the picture. It's not the
>end-all-be-all, but may provide some perspective on emerging trends/ 
>working fronts.
>Kind regards,
>>-----Original Message-----
>>From: ASIS&T Special Interest Group on Metrics
>>[mailto:SIGMETRICS at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU] On Behalf Of David Wojick
>>Sent: Saturday, January 08, 2011 11:46 AM
>>Subject: Re: [SIGMETRICS] Boyack, KW; Klavans, R. 2010. Co-Citation
>>Analysis, Bibliographic Coupling, and Direct Citation: Which Citation
>>Approach Represents the Research Front Most Accurately?. JASIST. 61
>>Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>>I would think these clustering methods were useful in finding the
>>body, not the front, as it were. By the time attention clusters the
>>has already passed. It is like the difference between prospectors and
>>miners. These clusters show us where the producing mines are, not
>>where the
>>prospectors are working.
>>At 01:05 PM 1/8/2011, you wrote:
>>>Adminstrative info for SIGMETRICS (for example unsubscribe):
>>>Boyack, KW; Klavans, R. 2010. Co-Citation Analysis, Bibliographic
>>>Coupling, and
>>>Direct Citation: Which Citation Approach Represents the Research
>>>Front Most
>>>AND TECHNOLOGY 61 (12): 2389-2404.
>>>Author Full Name(s): Boyack, Kevin W.; Klavans, Richard
>>>Language: English
>>>Document Type: Article
>>>Abstract: In the past several years studies have started to appear
>>>the accuracies of various science mapping approaches. These studies
>>>compare the cluster solutions resulting from different similarity
>>>approaches, and
>>>give varying results. In this study we compare the accuracies of
>>>solutions of a large corpus of 2,153,769 recent articles from the
>>>literature (2004-2008) using four similarity approaches: co-citation
>>>bibliographic coupling, direct citation, and a bibliographic
>>>citation-text hybrid approach. Each of the four approaches can be
>>>a way to represent the research front in biomedicine, and each is
>>>able to
>>>successfully cluster over 92% of the corpus. Accuracies are
>>>compared using
>>>two metrics-within-cluster textual coherence as defined by the
>>>Shannon divergence, and a concentration measure based on the grant- to-
>>>article linkages indexed in MEDLINE. Of the three pure citation-based
>>>approaches, bibliographic coupling slightly outperforms co-citation
>>>using both accuracy measures; direct citation is the least accurate
>>>approach by far. The hybrid approach improves upon the bibliographic
>>>results in all respects. We consider the results of this study to be
>>>robust given
>>>the very large size of the corpus, and the specificity of the
>>>Addresses: [Boyack, Kevin W.] SciTech Strategies Inc, Albuquerque,
>>>NM 87122
>>>USA; [Klavans, Richard] SciTech Strategies Inc, Berwyn, PA 19312 USA
>>>Reprint Address: Boyack, KW, SciTech Strategies Inc, Albuquerque,
>>>NM 87122
>>>E-mail Address: kboyack at; rklavans at
>>>ISSN: 1532-2882
>>>DOI: 10.1002/asi.21419
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