FW: Triple Helix VIII - Call for papers
Loet Leydesdorff
Thu Jul 23 06:54:02 EDT 2009
Innovation is understood as a resultant of a complex and dynamic process related to interactions between in University, Industry and Government, in a spiral of endless transitions. The Triple Helix approach, developed by Henry Etzkowitz and Loet Leydesdorff, is based on the perspective of University as a leader of the relationship with Industry and Government, to generate new knowledge, innovation and economic development.
After Amsterdam, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Copenhagen/Lund, Turin, Singapore and Glasgow the Triple Helix movement arrives to its 8th global meeting in Madrid, Spain, in 2010. The Triple Helix VIII – International Conference on University, Industry and Government Linkages will be held on 20-22 October 2010. It will be organized by the International Institute of Triple Helix - IITH and hosted by La Salle Innovation Park of Services for People. Its aim to connect academics, business leaders, government staff and other specialists involved in the different aspects of innovation management.
The conference program will include different kinds of interactions:
• Keynote address plenary sessions with Triple Helix specialists
• Discussion panels with members of academy, industry and government
• Parallel sessions with paper presentations
• Lunch speakers
• Special sessions, dedicated to young researchers and specific themes
• Thematic workshops
• Posters and Exhibit Stand spaces
• Social program
Our aim is to create the best environment to enable a fruitful discussion between academics and practitioners in the University, Industry and Government spheres. The VIII Triple Helix also will provide a unique experience of Spanish culture and heritage.
The main theme of our conference is “Triple Helix in the Development of Cities of Knowledge, Expanding Communities and Connecting Regions”. Submissions on Triple Helix related topics are encouraged and should focus on the following subthemes:
- Triple Helix model - building a theory (triple helix and sustainability: triple helix twins, people circulation, spheres taking a role of the other, etc)
- Triple Helix practice and experiences
- TH in developing countries
- The role of University in the third mission - R&D, intellectual property and technology transfer
- Innovation habitat (as hybrid and consensus spaces): incubators, science & technology parks and others
- Government and public policy in Triple Helix era
- Regional/Local economic and social development
- The future of cities in the knowledge age
- Innovation as a response to the economic crisis
Submission of extended abstracts is open from July, 15. All of them will be evaluated in a blind review by a scientific committee composed of international specialists in innovation management and regional development. Part of them will be accepted for parallel sessions. Others will be suggested for poster presentations.
Conference Chairmen are also open to receive proposals for Thematic Workshops. These workshops will consist of four papers in specific Triple Helix topic lead by a Coordinator. This proposal has a free format and must be sent formally until November, 30.
Important Deadlines:
Extended abstract submission: from Jul 15 until Nov 30, 2009
Notice of acceptance Feb 28, 2010
Full paper submission (including profiles & registration): May 30, 2010
Conference: Oct 20-22, 2010
General information for submission:
The extended abstract must have between 800-1000 words, including references. The full papers must have between 5000-6000 words. The poster template will be shown in due time.
File format: MS Word 2007 .doc files; A4 size; single space, font: times new roman or arial 10; 3 cm margins.
Extended abstract and full papers must include the following information:
1) Subtheme
2) Up to 5 keywords
3) Structure: introduction (where a specific topic will be presented), state of the art about the topic, research focus, methodology, findings, contributions and implications.
The evaluation criteria will be if the submission is adherent to the subtheme and the quality in terms of contributions to the Triple Helix.
The submissions must be uploaded in the conference website until 30 November, 2009 until 11 PM (GMT+1). Any file received by email or another way WILL NOT be accepted. There is a tag in the system to inform if the submission is a student work. All not tagged submissions will be reviewed as a professional submission. Only tagged submissions will be eligible for student sessions.
All accepted submissions will be published in the conference website. The following paragraph must be included on the cover page of the paper to indicate acceptance of the copyright terms:
Copyright of the paper resides with the author(s). Submission of a paper grants permission to the 7th Triple Helix International Scientific and Organizing Committees to include it in the conference material and to place it on relevant websites. The Scientific
Committee may invite papers accepted for the conference to be considered for publication in Special Issues of selected journals.
The absence of legal rights assignment or registration will automatically eliminate the work from the Triple Helix VIII conference.
Rafael Zaballa
Marcelo Amaral
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