Impact factor studies to evaluate full-text database s, esp. Proquest

Christian Schlögl christian.schloegl at UNI-GRAZ.AT
Wed Mar 9 09:33:58 EST 2005

Dear Carlos,

If I remember correctly, a similar study was conducted at the library
of  Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration.
The results of the study (in German language only) are available at
For further information please refer to georg.fessler at

Christian Schloegl

Carlos Vílchez Román schrieb:

> Dear colleagues,
> Sorry if this has been posted before.
> Right now we are evaluating the subscription to
> two full-text databases (Proquest and Ebsco) and
> the criteria are focused on support for HTML, PDF,
> help screen and similar stuff.
> Certainly they are important, but I think it would
> be better if we can estimate the proportion of the
> journal (of these databases) included in ISI indexes
> or which of these has the high impact factor. For that
> reason I ask you if know any study focused on the im-
> pact factor (total & average) of the Proquest journals.
> Any information will be appreciated.
> Thanks for your time.
> Best regards,
> Carlos Vilchez-Román
> Library university UNMSM
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