Call for Papers: 5th International Triple Helix Conference - Track on Indicators

Martin Meyer m.s.meyer at SUSSEX.AC.UK
Fri Jul 23 04:38:54 EDT 2004

Call For Papers
5th International Triple Helix Conference
The Capitalization of Knowledge: cognitive, economic, social & cultural aspects

Track on Triple Helix Indicators
Turin, Italy  -  18-21 May 2005

The Triple Helix provides a platform for researchers from a variety of disciplines with a common interest in university-industry-government relations. There has been an increasing interest in developing new and improving established indicators in a number of areas especially related to the Triple Helix. These include the following:


  a.. Mapping Scientific and Technological Communication and Collaboration 
  b.. Dynamics of University-Industry-Government Relations
  c.. Intellectual Organization of Knowledge-based Innovations
  d.. Evolution of Boundary-crossing Intellectual Spaces 
  e.. Simulation Studies
  f.. Analyzing Science-Technology Interaction
  g.. Evaluating University-Industry Collaboration
  h.. Indicators of Academic Entrepreneurship and Science-based Innovation
  i.. Measuring the Impact of Universities as Regional Innovation Organizers
  j.. Assessing the function of science parks, business incubators and other intermediaries in the capitalization of knowledge

The analysis of bibliometric, patent, or webometric data can make important contributions to our understanding of these aspects of the Triple Helix. Additional insights can be gained from extending informetric analyses using other quantitative and also qualitative approaches. 


This track on Triple Helix Indicators welcomes informetric and other quantitative contributions addressing the above issues. Also papers of a more qualitative nature are invited in so far as they contribute towards a better understanding of indicators in this area.


We aim to publish a selection of contributions in a dedicated issue of a relevant journal to ensure the widest-possible distribution of the papers presented.


Young researchers and Ph.D students, particularly from transitional and developing countries are encouraged to participate. Grants are available upon request depending on resources available. 


The selection of relevant presentations will be made on the basis of extended abstracts (1500 words or 3 full pages). The deadline for submission is November 1, 2004. Full papers are to be submitted by February 1, 2005 and should not exceed 7000 words.


All submissions (preferably in MS Word format) should be sent to Paola Caretta or Rocio Ribelles Zorita at organization at and copied to loet at and m.s.meyer at 

Further information about the conference is available at

Dr Martin Meyer

SPRU Science and Technology Policy Research
University of Sussex, Freeman Centre
Brighton BN1 9QE, United Kingdom

Steunpunt O&O Statistieken
K.U. Leuven, Dekenstraat 2
B-3000 Leuven, Belgium

E-mail: m.s.meyer at, martin.meyer at 
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