Autism Causes Bibliometric Research

Aparna Basu aparnaba at IN.IBM.COM
Thu May 2 07:05:46 EDT 2002

Dear Ronald,

If you recall we discussed my model of Bradford's law (JASIS '92) in
Sydney. There is a second paper on concentration that came out in JISSI, if
you happen to have a copy of that issue. Would you find time to think about
the model or fit it to data in the near future? I am curious to know how it
compares with other models of Bradford's Law. I was wondering if we could
work on this, to be in time for the Beijing conference?

Best regards
Dr. Aparna Basu
IBM, Golden Enclave, Airport Road
Bangalore 560017, INDIA
aparnaba at; abasu_academic at
Tel: +91 80 526 2355 Ext 2531; 5094531 (O); 5244716 (R)

                    Ronald Rousseau
                    <ronald.rousseau at KH       To:     SIGMETRICS at LISTSERV.UTK.EDU
                    .KHBO.BE>                 cc:
                    Sent by: ASIS             Subject:     Re: [SIGMETRICS] Autism
                    Special Interest           Causes Bibliometric Research
                    Group on Metrics
                    <SIGMETRICS at LISTSER

                    05/01/02 06:47 PM
                    Please respond to
                    ASIS Special
                    Interest Group on

The authors of the article mentioned by Sally Jo Cunningham have (among
things) serious difficulties in fitting Lotka's 'law' to the author list

Using my program, publicly available in the e-journal Cybermetrics gives
for their data, the number of authors with y publications is
equal to 628.9 / y^(2.665), which seems to give an excellent fit to the

Ronald Rousseau

> I just spotted an article entitled "Autism Causes Bibliometric
> Research", at
> Fortunately for all of us, it appears that a more accurate title
> would be, "Bibliometric research on the literature of the causes of
> autism".
> Cheers,
> Sally Jo Cunningham
> University of Waikato
> Private Bag 3105
> Hamilton, New Zealand

Ronald Rousseau
dr. mathematics, dr. information science
KHBO - Industrial Sciences and Technology
Zeedijk 101    B-8400  Oostende   Belgium
Honorary Professor Henan Normal University (Xinxiang, China)
E-mail: ronald.rousseau at
web page:

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