[Sigkm-l] 2nd CFP - First International Workshop on Search and Mining Entity-Relationship Data (SMER'11) CIKM 2011, Glasgow, October 28th, 2011

Haggai Roitman HAGGAI at il.ibm.com
Fri Jun 3 00:47:39 EDT 2011

2nd Call for Workshop papers

First International Workshop on Search and Mining Entity-Relationship Data 
CIKM 2011, Glasgow, October 28th, 2011
Workshop site: http://sysrun.haifa.il.ibm.com/hrl/smer2011/
CIKM 2011 site: http://www.cikm2011.org

Workshop Twitter hashtag: #SMER2011
SMER'11 workshop is co-located with CIKM 2011 and will take place in 
Glasgow, Scotland, UK, 28th October 2011. 
Glasgow is Scotland's largest city and one of the most visited cities in 
Europe. A cosmopolitan metropolis, Glasgow is a culturally rich, 
vibrant city with a long history at the forefront of socio-economic and 
political change in Scotland and the UK, offering everything one would 
expect from a great British city but with a Scottish flair.

Workshop overview
Data complexity and its diversity have been rapidly expanding over the 
last years, spanning from large amounts of unstructured and 
semi-structured data to semantically
rich available knowledge, and driven by ever increasing sophistication in 
data management requirements. Numerous applications in various domains 
such as social-media,
healthcare, telecommunication, e-commerce and web analytics, business 
intelligence, and cyber-security, require new methods and tools for 
collecting and extracting
entities and their relationships from unstructured and heterogeneous data 
sources to be transformed into useful knowledge and provide insights. 
While lots of useful facts are being added on a daily basis on multitude 
web and enterprise data sources, they are still hidden behind barriers of 
language constraints,
data heterogeneity and ambiguity, and the lack of proper query interfaces. 
In addition, novel search and data mining methods are required to provide 
expressive and
powerful discovery capabilities, yet intuitive enough, for exploring the 
large amounts of entity-relationship data.

Workshop objective
This workshop shall serve as an open forum for discussing the new research 
challenges in search and mining of large scale ER data extracted from 
multitude of unstructured
and semi-structured data sources, driven by recent industry trends and 
requirements in various domains and increasing academic interest. The 
workshop will bring together
researchers from different communities working on similar problems in the 
context of ER and other semantic data, allowing for cross-fertilization 
between areas. 
During the workshop, we will identify common problems and their various 
solution approaches in DB, KM, and IR areas. 

Haggai Roitman, IBM Research - Haifa, Israel
Ralf Schenkel, Saarland University and Max-Planck-Institut Informatik - 
Saarbr?cken, Germany
Marko Grobelnik, J. Stefan Institute, Department for Intelligent Systems, 

Topics of interest
The workshop has two main themes. The first is search and discovery over 
rich entity-relationship data. 
The second is entity-relationship data mining methods. More specifically, 
the following list of topics are covered by this workshop:

    ER data collection methods.
    ER data extraction, cleansing, representation, and processing.
    ER data resolution and disambiguation.
    Efficient Indexing methods.
    Query languages and interfaces (keyword-based, semantic, hybrid, 
visual), query processing and optimization.
    Ranking methods and top-k queries over ER data.
    Similarity and proximity search.
    Context-based retrieval over ER data.
    Temporal aspects in ER search and data mining.
    Exploratory search and faceted search over ER data.
    Personalized search over ER data.
    ER data mining (e.g., feature extraction, clustering, classification, 
authority and link analysis, trust, recommendation, etc).
    ER data fusion, integration, and lineage.
    Privacy models for ER search and data mining.
    Large scale ER search and data mining methods.
    Search and data mining over incomplete or noisy ER data.
    Search and data mining over multilingual ER data.
    Novel applications using ER search and data mining.
    Evaluation methodologies.
    Usability methods for ER data exploration.

Submission guidelines

We invite you to submit both long (6 pages) and short (2 pages) papers in 
ACM format. Long papers will be presented in a session of talks.
All papers (long and short) will be further presented in a poster show 
over (if local setup allows) or right after lunch, possibly including 
demos of systems.

Manuscripts should be formatted using the ACM camera-ready templates (both 
for MS word and Latex) available at 
There are two styles on the website. Both the Strict Adherence to SIGS and 
the Tighter Alternate style are allowed. 
Papers cannot exceed 6 pages in length for long papers and 2 pages for 
short papers. 
Accepted papers will be published at ACM Digital Library.

Manuscripts should be submitted using the following EasyChair link: 

Important dates

Papers submission: June 29, 2011
Notification: July 29, 2011
Camera Ready: August 12, 2011 (hard deadline)
Workshop: October 28, 2011
Main conference: October 24-28, 2001

Late submissions will be rejected without further consideration.

Queries regarding paper submissions should be sent to the workshop 
co-chair: Haggai Roitman (firstname at il.ibm.com)

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