[Sigiii-l] Project management system

Ashraf Sharif ashraf.sharif at aku.edu
Wed May 10 13:22:19 EDT 2017

Bi-monthly looks a good option.


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-------- Original message --------
From: EMMA ZHANG <laviedeemma at gmail.com>
Date: 5/10/17 9:58 PM (GMT+05:00)
To: Eka Grguric <egrguric at gmail.com>
Cc: Ashraf Sharif <ashraf.sharif at aku.edu>, Xiao Hu <xiaohusmile at gmail.com>, Innocent Awasom <ynnoawasom at yahoo.com>, Catherine Dumas <cathy2cool at gmail.com>, Naureen Nizam <naureen.nizam at gmail.com>, JISUE LEE <noranjin at gmail.com>, Hassan Zamir <mhzamir at gmail.com>, sigiii-l at asis.org, Toni Carbo <tcarbo14 at gmail.com>, Eka Grguric <egrguri at ncsu.edu>
Subject: Re: Project management system


I don't believe we have a shared folder yet, but we definitely need to create one.

In terms of the monthly meeting, I suggest we do a bi-month or quarterly meeting considering everyone's schedule.

Please feel free if anyone has different opinions or better suggestion!


2017-05-10 7:43 GMT-04:00 Eka Grguric <egrguric at gmail.com<mailto:egrguric at gmail.com>>:
Hi everyone,

Thank you for the kind words Emma!

Based a conversation that Emma and I had yesterday, it sounded like the best place to start with this was to interview SIG III members who have been around for awhile and have been on the exec. In my New Leader Application I asked to be assigned to SIG III because I haven't been very involved with it to date but the unfortunate side of that is that I don't have a sense of what the standard operating procedure is for the SIG is either. It would be great if I could get some input on who to talk to first as well as access to existing documentation.

Does SIG III have a shared folder somewhere? We technically have one in the form of the Google Drive folder that the images are in, but that's new. Is there an existing resource beyond the website?

Another question I have is whether SIG III has monthly meetings? Is there a regularly scheduled check-in for exec?

Thanks, Ashraf! I'm finally coming up for air after a particularly busy year of job hunting and my Fellowship. I start at McGill in July and am still at NC State until then finishing out my contract. Very much so looking forward to going home and getting off an American visa!


On Wed, May 10, 2017 at 7:17 AM, Ashraf Sharif <ashraf.sharif at aku.edu<mailto:ashraf.sharif at aku.edu>> wrote:

I met Eka during the AM 2016 in Copenhagen. She gives some time to SIGIII programs and also attended SIGIII Business Meeting. She took a lot of photographs and had shared the SIGIII photographs with us. I am sure she will be a wonderful source to SIGIII. To develop a project management system will definitely help us better planning and scheduling the tasks with responsibilities.

Welcome on board Eka! Have you joined McGill?

Best regards,

From: EMMA ZHANG [mailto:laviedeemma at gmail.com<mailto:laviedeemma at gmail.com>]
Sent: Wednesday, May 10, 2017 7:42 AM
To: Ashraf Sharif; Xiao Hu; Innocent Awasom; Catherine Dumas; Naureen Nizam; JISUE LEE; Hassan Zamir; sigiii-l at asis.org<mailto:sigiii-l at asis.org>
Cc: Toni Carbo; Eka Grguric
Subject: Project management system

Dear Colleagues,

I believe you have met/emailed Eka, who's a promising star and been involved in the ASIS&T New Leader activities. I'm glad she chose SIGIII as her mentee SIG this year.

Ms. Eka has kindly helped us established the SIGIII image archive, and she will extend her talent in helping us develop a project management system, which sets up starting dates, deadlines, team members, and protocols for the activities we are going to hold, so that we can have a clear timeline and records for everything we do.

Please feel free to mingle and contribute your brilliant ideas! More heads is always better than one!


Ekatarina Grguric
NCSU Libraries Fellow
User Experience | Digital Library Initiatives

tel. 778 235 0404<tel:(778)%20235-0404>
alt. email egrguri at ncsu.edu<mailto:egrguri at ncsu.edu>

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