[Sigia-l] Agile, Scrum and UX?

Matthew Hodgson magia3e at gmail.com
Sat Mar 21 19:44:21 EDT 2015

@Johnathan: I'm not sure why you feel unease about "accelerating

There's a lot of good research that indicates when Scrum is done well, its
focus on building the right thing and building the thing right, removes
about 50% of the rework that is often associated with development projects.
The continuous learning also supports removing waste (from a Lean sense ...
a lot of my coaching of Scrum is heavily influenced by Lean) and so faster
delivery of the right thing to users and clients.

My own experience supports this view. Teams ability to deliver gets faster,
more efficient, less buggy over as little as 3 months if they have focus
and discipline in their Scrum practice. Creating focus and discipline is
not as easy as it sounds though :)

Scrum is like chess. The rules are simple, but to master it is hard. This
is why Scrum Coaches exist :)

On 21 March 2015 at 08:06, Jonathan Baker-Bates <jonathan at bakerbates.com>

> However, we found we had to present scum as a way of
> accelerating development in order to get the CEO to agree to try it.
> My unease about that deception turned out to be justified.

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