[Sigia-l] Sigia-l Digest, Vol 56, Issue 3

Victor Lombardi victorlombardi at gmail.com
Wed May 6 08:52:11 EDT 2009

Hi Dan,

You could frame the issue differently, and think about "how to
allocate resources to improving the design over time." The reason I
say this is because in many cases there are good reasons to gradually
change the design rather than a "big bang" redesign.

Here's a couple pieces advocating this point of view:

Lou Rosenfeld's "Redesign Must Die" talk

My article, "The Evolving Homepage: The Growth of Three Booksellers"


On Wed, May 6, 2009 at 5:00 AM,  Dan Chamberlain wrote:

> Two general questions for anyone involved in planning and management...
> How often do you redesign your Web site? Every six months? Every year? 18 months? 3/5 years?
> How do you budget for you redesign? Annually? By project?

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