[Sigia-l] Cross-selling logout pages

Peter Van Dijck petervandijck at gmail.com
Thu Jan 24 03:48:16 EST 2008

Well, first of all, users are busy so when they log out, there's only
time for a short message. Upselling usually happens while they're
still engaged with your site, for example when adding something to a
shopping cart. What type of product/service is being sold?


On Jan 20, 2008 6:44 PM, Stewart Anderson <stewartanderson at mac.com> wrote:
> Hi All
> My client wants to improve the cross-sell performance on their logout
> page. The page gets roughly 4 million views a week so even a 1%
> improvement would have a massive impact on revenues.
> Can you highlight any sites as great examples - or horrible examples -
> of cross-selling on logout pages. Do they use personalisation? What
> makes a logout page cutting edge? Hopefully you will have examples in
> Financial Services aswell as non-FS industries and be willing to
> describe what is so great about them.
> Thanks in advance :)
> - Stewart
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