[Sigia-l] BumpTop 3D Desktop

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Thu Mar 1 16:04:31 EST 2007

> I am not exactly sure what fundamental problem it's trying to solve
> is, but then again, it's an academic work so it's a perfectly valid
> exploration.

The paper outlines what it is trying to solve. From the CHI paper
(this is all from the introduction):

* It wants to explore a physics-based desktop interface as an
  alternative to the standard desktop (exploratory is the key word

* "Our goal in adding physics to the desktop is to make the
   interaction feel more continuous and analog" so that users can
   use "strategies they employ in the real world" when interacting
   with documents.

* "Another goal is to support casual organization of information,"
   such as creating ad-hoc piles instead of filing information into
   some formal scheme.

Also, the interaction techniques are intended for tablet PCs and
using a pen. 

It stems from information visualization research, and also from
research on how people use paper documents and physical artifacts as
documented in works like "The Myth of the Paperless Office."

Karl Fast

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