[Sigia-l] IAI membership and IA Summit

Eric Reiss elr at e-reiss.com
Wed Mar 15 12:49:18 EST 2006

Dear friends, 

Samantha Bailey and I have forwarded all correspondence regarding our
various response problems to the responsible folks at the IA
Institute. And the IAI sincerely regrets the inconvenience this has

To be perfectly honest, e-mails seem to be disappearing into
cyberspace. We're working on correcting this problem as I write.

However, if ANY of you have experienced problems getting in touch
with the IAI recently - particularly in regard to membership prior to
the IA Summit, please contact my fellow board member and our
Treasurer, Stacy Surla, directly at:

treasury at iainstitute.org

We are genuinely sorry for this inconvenience.

Eric Reiss

On behalf of the Board of Directors, IA Institute

e-reiss & associates
copenhagen, denmark

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