[Sigia-l] RE: Sigia-l Digest, Vol 18, Issue 28

Trenouth, John John.Trenouth at cardinal.com
Wed Mar 15 12:48:45 EST 2006

Dave Heller said:

> this is indeed a major problem w/ requirements 
> management // prototyping tools is that they all 
> are Windows only services.

Dude, how on earth is this a problem?  Can you name any company that can
afford the ~$50k a seat license fee for iRise that is NOT a windows
shop??  I certainly can't.  So if all potential customers for a the
product use windows, how is a window's only model a problem??

And to Ziya's point--hell yeah, just use HTML and a little JavaScript to
include the documentation inline and mark it so a parser can scan the
HTML for it.  Here are just some of the benefits...

- easier to learn
- easier to do
- more flexible
- more extensible
- potentially re-usable code
- and the HTML skills you develop can be used beyond your immediate
prototyping tasks

Oh yeah, and the big one...

- Its waaay cheaper than iRise (about $50k per seat cheaper!)

We have iRise and its no business analysis tool--it's a prototyping tool
first, and second a tool that smooths the communication process
surrounding the prototype.  Maybe I have a radically different
understanding of business analysis.

Working together.  For life.(sm)

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