[Sigia-l] Being considerate of others (Off Topic Posts)

Lyle Kantrovich lyle.kantrovich at gmail.com
Thu Mar 9 00:34:11 EST 2006

I was speaking for myself in starting this discussion, albeit in the
interest of the whole community.  Pardon me for my well-intended
efforts at improving the signal to noise ratio here.  I guess I'm the
only one (aside from the four people who emailed me off-list) who
actually thought trying to improve the list was worth it.

Funny this response from Ziya...given that I just earlier in the day
was defending Ziya off-list.  Funny also, given the number of people
who've told me in person that they don't read any of Ziya's posts, and
to whom I've defended Ziya's contributions.  Funny that I'm accused of
"trying to censor those I disagree with" when the post I responded to
had nothing I disagreed with (other than it was OT in my opinion).  To
me, raising this topic was just a way to remind folks to consider the
readers of their posts, and to respect people's time and inboxes.  A
link to a web page that simply says "Useful?  Usable?" isn't.  Funny
that last December, the same person making this accusation thought it
"unseemly" if certain people only post about their (IA) books or
seminars here, but otherwise lurk.

As I said, this topic wasn't meant to point fingers at any given
poster. Over the last five years, there have been lots of OT posts,
from many different posters, but the rate has seemed to increase
lately, which spurred my response.

Ziya, please refrain from painting me with your oft-used (and
derogatory) "best practices" brush...Its color doesn't suit me.  Also,
please as you suggested, check the archives.  My 147 posts in the last
five years (to the day!), provide a lot of material...although it
pales in quantity to your 2800+ in 5 months less time.  Your 1.5+ post
average every day for 365 days a year is amazing.

I think my record speaks just fine for itself.  While I may not start
lots of threads, I try to help folks out and lend my experience, but
maybe I'm not welcome here in your reckoning?  I know at least a few
folks here belong to many lists, and like me, contribute to a number
of online and offline communities on a regular basis.

Funny that "Innovate as a last resort" seems to sum up this discussion
quite well. Evidently this list is already perfect...or beyond hope.


Lyle Kantrovich
Blog: Croc O' Lyle

On 3/8/06, Listera <listera at rcn.com> wrote:
> > I'd like to hear about...
> It's very difficult when the poster complains about what others are posting
> but restricts the majority of his own posts to doggedly attacking a single
> member and not creating new threads he himself would find interesting, as
> I'm sure the archives would reveal.
> > That's much more interesting than talking about something that is distant from
> > what most folks here are working on.
> This is a perfect example of what I mean by the "best practices" mentality:
> concocting "standards" for others to follow, with a presumed license to
> speak for others.
> Whereas community requires one to come to the market of ideas, argue for
> POVs and take back what you find useful, instead of trying to censor those
> you disagree with, in case anybody's wondering whether this has any merit
> beyond personal animosity.
> ----
> Ziya
> "Innovate as a last resort."

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