[Sigia-l] Being considerate of others (Off Topic Posts)

Tammie Hutto Egloff tammie_hutto at usa.net
Wed Mar 8 13:02:14 EST 2006

A note from a mostly silent observer:

Marking emails with <OT> would help alleviate the concerns like those seen
before.... for those that are too busy to filter the messages themselves...
For me, if I'm not interested in a topic, I just press delete and not read

However, I would hate to see members stop sharing the "cool articles" or "neat
websites and technology" that they run into. While there are a lot of places
for us to go research and find our own material, it is always interesting to
share within the community and see what other people find interesting. Also, a
lot of time items are shared that not everyone has seen before. There is so
much out there, its impossible to be familiar with all of it. In addition, the
items shared have led to some really interesting discussions. So, for those of
you who post interesting tid bits... thank you for sharing! :)

------ Original Message ------
Received: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 11:48:38 AM CST
From: "Stewart Dean" <stew8dean at hotmail.com>
To: lyle.kantrovich at gmail.com, listera at rcn.comCc: sigia-l at asis.org
Subject: RE: [Sigia-l] Being considerate of others (Off Topic Posts)

> >From: "Lyle Kantrovich" <lyle.kantrovich at gmail.com>
> >To: Listera <listera at rcn.com>
> >CC: SIGIA-L <sigia-l at asis.org>
> >Subject: [Sigia-l] Being considerate of others (Off Topic Posts)
> >Date: Wed, 8 Mar 2006 10:12:38 -0600
> <snip>
> >This list shouldn't be a place to share things that are JUST
> >"interesting" -- it should be about interesting *IA* things.  Feel
> >free to share any other "interesting" material on your web site, blog,
> >personal email list, or whatever.  Between Google News, RSS feeds,
> >blogs, magazines, and other sources, people have no difficulty these
> >days finding interesting articles on technology or other topics.  This
> >should be one of the premier places to read about and discuss
> >Information Architecture.
> Well said. At the moment the field of IA is developing rapidly to keep up 
> with new platforms and technology - all of which can be read about else 
> where.  This list would be great if it discussed all these issues, like 
> creating IA for Web 2.0 apps, how best to deliver for different internal 
> audiences and new and interesting ways to integrate IA work with digital 
> workstreams.
> Instead there's a lot of noise, mostly from one prolific poster, most of 
> which have nothing to do with IA and are better suited to other lists 
> devoted to user experience and user interface design. I know that many IAs 
> have been put off this list because of that noise.
> Stewart Dean
> ------------
> When replying, please *trim your post* as much as possible.
> *Plain text, please; NO Attachments
> Searchable Archive at http://www.info-arch.org/lists/sigia-l/
> IA 06 Summit.  Mark your calendar.  March 23-27, Vancouver, BC. 
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