[Sigia-l] Bottoms-up tagging

Skot Nelson skot at penguinstorm.com
Tue Sep 13 22:40:04 EDT 2005

On Sep-13-2005, at 1:12 PM, Louise Hewitt wrote:

> My major gripe with iTunes - it thinks that African and
> Appalachian music are the same thing: folk.  And I have 4 seperate
> 'HipHop' categories. I miss stuff I want because I'm trusting the
> tags.

in fairness, this is not a failing of iTunes but of Gracenote  
(formerly CDDB) which seems to simply accept the most popular choice  
for a category, rather than applying any editorial wisdom.

It's also a failing of the human condition, which tends to support  
people having their own opinions :D
Skot Nelson
skot at penguinstorm.com

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