[Sigia-l] data as information?

Jursa, Jan (init) Jan.Jursa at init.de
Tue Jun 28 03:29:37 EDT 2005

Though nullius in verba seems to be the motto of this list :-) - there
is nothing wrong to familiarise oneself with elementary theories, before
renaming given terms.

See for example "The Mathematical Theory of Communication", published in
1948, by Shannon/Weaver (the fathers of information theory).

Some statement from Shannon and Weaver (how I learned them):
"information turns out to be exactly that which is known in
thermodynamics as entropy"
"In particular, information must not be confused with meaning"

so, as I understand it. data holds three kinds of things: Information,
Redundancy and Noise.

Regarding the fundamental definition of "information" in the information
theory, I'd like to think of an IA as of someone who tries to remove the
amount on Entropy in a given environment...

What do you think?


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