CV Form Rant (was Re: [Sigia-l] Entering CVs online - good interfaces)

Listera listera at
Mon Jan 31 20:07:24 EST 2005

Andrew Boyd:

> I would have said, 'there are any number of brain-damaged ways to handle
> CVs, but only one that the users will appreciate using - file upload'.

Yes, but I'm from NYC and you are an Aussie and have better manners.:-)

I know a little bit of this domain, many years ago I was asked to consider
doing the strategy/architecture/design of a what then became a major CV
site.  The drivers on this project were technology people and, just as you
indicated, they wanted to play with their toys. They had already intimidated
one senior designer with their geek approach. They hated that they weren't
able to do the same with me and I wanted to have no part of this insane idea
of torturing people textfield by radio button ad nauseam. So I dropped it. I
want that to counter my sins on the Judgment Day.

Nullius in Verba 

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