[Sigia-l] ZIYA ROCKS! (was: list constitution)

Scott Nelson scott at penguinstorm.com
Thu Mar 11 13:11:44 EST 2004

On Thursday, March 11, 2004, at 10:06  AM, CD Evans wrote:

> Ziya is the vain of this list and has been the sole reason I keep 
> reading it regularly.

methinks this was a typo, but you nailed it with this choice of words:


\Vain\, a. [Compar. Vainer; superl. Vainest.] [F. vain, L. vanus empty, 
void, vain. Cf. Vanish, Vanity, Vaunt to boast.] 1. Having no real 
substance, value, or importance; empty; void; worthless; unsatisfying. 
``Thy vain excuse.'' --Shak.

2. Destitute of forge or efficacy; effecting no purpose; fruitless; 
ineffectual; as, vain toil; a vain attempt.

3. Proud of petty things, or of trifling attainments; having a high 
opinion of one's own accomplishments with slight reason; conceited; 
puffed up; inflated.

> Even if his/her/its posts aren't quite always witty

Scott Nelson
scott at penguinstorm.com

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