[Sigia-l] ZIYA ROCKS! (was: list constitution)

CD Evans clifton at infostyling.com
Thu Mar 11 13:06:06 EST 2004

You want positive, uplifting and complimentary?

How about: "ZIYA ROCKS!"

Ziya is the vain of this list and has been the sole reason I keep 
reading it regularly.

Even if his/her/its posts aren't quite always witty, sardonic and 
memorable, the signatures certainly are! Ziya harks back to an era 
'when real architecture happened', when Shakespeare's globe theatre 
company thrived on crit and sarcasm. When The Audience Frequently 
Rewrote the Scripts!  (Yes, that same 'Shakespeare' we all studied 

Don't limit the genius of free expression, commentary or (for lack of a 
better term) vocalized disgust. It is the right of the human mind to 
think and it should be honoured.

Bravo ZIYA. You've kept us all ears.

CD the kid

On 11 Mar 2004, at 17:01, sigia-l-request at asis.org wrote:

>>> I find Ziya's posts very informative as well, whether or not I agree
>>> with them. I think that is the basis of good dialogue. It is
> unfortunate
>>> that Ziya has been singled out, perhaps as an example.

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