[Sigia-l] Usability Profession Increasingly Under Scrutiny?

Todd R.Warfel lists at mk27.com
Mon Jan 12 17:42:34 EST 2004

Well, Ziya, I have to agree with you here on this.

On Jan 12, 2004, at 4:08 PM, Listera wrote:

> [...] we reduce the whole craft to 87 standards/rules
> plus 9 charts, publish them in a paperback, a dash of cayenne and, 
> presto,
> instant 'usability.'

One of the drawbacks of "selling usability." There is a part of it that 
"anyone can learn," but that will only make them the usability 
professional this is unable to uncover huge eyesores. What about the 
other items that are equally problematic, or high on the scale of 
difficult and important? These "Usability in 24 Hours" people can't do 
that. And that's something that isn't very well understood.

I've seen some pretty scary usability sessions on video from a 
marketing firm hired by one of the top PC manufacturers in the US.

>> ...our work is seen by some as lacking in measurable credibility.
> I bet by the same people who wouldn't think twice about according
> credibility to, say, MBAs, accountants, managers and VCs, who gave us 
> the
> trillion-dollar dotcom bill, but, hey, who's counting.

True. But we do need to start being accountable, deliver something 
measurable. And there's no reason why we can't if we set some goals in 
the beginning and set expectations appropriately.

I read an article the other day stating that only 20% of IT projects 
come in on-time, or on-budget. And over 60% of IT projects fail. That's 
pretty sad. We should be able to deliver some measurable value that 
improves those numbers.


Todd R. Warfel
User Experience Architect
MessageFirst | making products easier to use
Contact Info
voice: 	(607) 339-9640
email: 	twarfel at messagefirst.com
web: 	www.messagefirst.com
aim: 	twarfel at mac.com
In theory, theory and practice are the same.
In practice, they are not.
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