[Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect

Peter Morville morville at semanticstudios.com
Mon Feb 23 11:14:56 EST 2004

Rich Wiggins (http://richardwiggins.com/) spotted an interesting
recruiting poster in the hallways of Michigan State University recently:


See below for Rich's take.  Cheers!

Peter Morville
President, Semantic Studios

---excerpt from Rich's email---

Yesterday in the hallway at the MSU Computer Center I saw dutifully
tacked up on the bulletin board one of those posters urging people to
consider a graduate program at another school.

This one was from the School of Library and Information Science at
Indiana University.

The headline pitch?  In huge type:

       BECOME AN

Not "become a librarian."  Not "become an information scientist." This
did not appear to be a pitch for an IA specialty; it was an ad for
library school.

I'll take a picture if you'd like.

---end excerpt---

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