[Sigia-l] Become an Information Architect

hrosenba hrosenba at indiana.edu
Mon Feb 23 17:40:37 EST 2004

Peter (and Rich),

I'm pleased to see that our posters are appearing in places of 

I would like to point out, however, that the poster referred to in this 
message is for our Master of Information Science degree, one of two 
Masters degrees we have here at the School of Library and Information 
Science at Indiana U. In this degree program, students can train to 
become an information architect (one of four paths through the 
program), hence the slogan. Some recent graduates are gainfully 
employed as IAs. If you are interested, you can see what we are up to 
with the MIS here:


We also have a successful Master of Library Science degree that has its 
own marketing campaign, its own posters, and an explicit focus on 
becoming a librarian. The program is healthy and growing. You can find 
out what is involved in our version of librarianship here:


Schools like ours (whether they are called Library and Information 
Science, Information Studies, Information, or other labels), are 
expanding their offerings in interesting ways these days. As a 
consequence,  we are providing students with a number of fascinating 
career choices among which is IA.


Howard Rosenbaum
Associate Professor of Information Science
School of Library and Information Science
Indiana University
Voice: 812.855.3250
Mail: hrosenba at indiana.edu
Web: http://www.slis.indiana.edu/hrosenba/www/Home/home.html

On Monday, February 23, 2004, at 11:14  AM, Peter Morville wrote:

> Rich Wiggins (http://richardwiggins.com/) spotted an interesting
> recruiting poster in the hallways of Michigan State University 
> recently:
> http://netfact.com/rww/photos/2004/2004-02/DSC00471.JPG
> See below for Rich's take.  Cheers!
> Peter Morville
> President, Semantic Studios
> www.semanticstudios.com
> ---excerpt from Rich's email---
> Yesterday in the hallway at the MSU Computer Center I saw dutifully
> tacked up on the bulletin board one of those posters urging people to
> consider a graduate program at another school.
> This one was from the School of Library and Information Science at
> Indiana University.
> The headline pitch?  In huge type:
>        BECOME AN
>        ARCHITECT
> Not "become a librarian."  Not "become an information scientist." This
> did not appear to be a pitch for an IA specialty; it was an ad for
> library school.
> I'll take a picture if you'd like.
> ---end excerpt---

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