[Sigia-l] landing page vs. no landing page

russ at bluechromedesign.com russ at bluechromedesign.com
Tue Dec 14 14:30:44 EST 2004

Hi Hilary,

I think you've probably already touched on your answer--or at least a
direction in which your answer could go.

> One category -- "about us," of course -- has a page labeled
> "introduction," which is effectively the landing page for that
> section. It's the only section that has such a page. (And why is
> "about us" always the problem-child section, anyway? I've encountered
> this on almost every site I've worked on.)
> I usually try to make navigation consistent, in that sections either
> have landing pages -- which often requires writing static fluff
> content that no one reads or cares about -- or not have them -- which
> results in the occasional "introduction" page.

To me, part of this will depends upon how you intend to build this
navigation--that is, will the "top" layer (about us) be a link or will
only items below it?  If only items below it, then an "introduction"
sounds feasible, however, if you're making the top layer a link
consistently throughout, then the Introduction may best be served as a
page title for that top layer's page.

I realize you may not have the approach fully nailed down yet, but you can
at least take a look at your options from here and decide which way works
best for the particular site and the content that's being presented.



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