[Sigia-l] Pillars of Ergonomics

Dave dheller at gmail.com
Tue Apr 20 08:46:34 EDT 2004

It's funny you brought this up in terms of the auto-industry. I was on
a bit of a road trip with people I didn't know very well and of course
the usual round of questions including "what do you do?" came up. So I
happened to be on my turn for driving, and systematically explained
how what I do is to analogous to the person who designed this space
and dissected the entire dash and steering column explaining the
decisions made and why they work or don't work. Of course, being the
vertically challenged man that I am, I always bring up the idea that
driving spaces are not configurable enough. They only deal w/in the
bubble and the extremes get lost. But that's my issue.

My favorite issue is where to put the stereo vs. the AC controls vs.
the navigation system, etc. ... personally I tink we should have these
3 components all addressed through a single touch screen. I mean once
you have a screen you have so much variability. This and good controls
on the steering wheel. ;)

-- dave

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