[Sigia-l] Pillars of Ergonomics

Peter Morville morville at semanticstudios.com
Tue Apr 20 08:34:51 EDT 2004

I love this excerpt about the pillars of ergonomics from an article on
designing the Ford Territory.

--- http://www.autoweb.com.au/cms/A_101280/newsarticle.html ---

Lewis explained that Territory engineers had remained faithful to the
three pillars of ergonomics. 

"The first is findability - literally being able to find the right
button at the right time. 

"The second is accessibility - once you've found the right button, can
you actually reach it? 

"The third is useability - is the button intuitive, does it work the way
you'd expect it to without having to consult the owner's manual?" 

Lewis said there was much more to the field of ergonomics than posture. 

"It's very much being able to have the driver or passengers interact
with the vehicle quickly, so they don't have to take their eyes off the


So you see, findability does come first :-)

Peter Morville
President, Semantic Studios

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