[Sigia-l] Less Spatiality, More Semantics?

Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com Richard_Dalton at Vanguard.com
Tue Mar 25 13:00:44 EST 2003

Donna wrote:
> The hierarchical (spatial) schemes still are of use to the users and 
> thus are useful.
> I think the point is to expand beyond what a simple hierarchy can 
> provide to the user.

I think it would help the example if you could expand a little on how you 
saw our hypothetical "spatial / hierarchial" schemes being created?

> To me, when someone uses the term semantic - I think of the "meaning" 
> of the content and/or the interpretation of the user, and not the 
> "needs" of the user.

IMHO users interpret and infer the meaning of content within the context 
of their need or goal so i'm not sure of the distinction above.

A dictionary definition of "semantic" is "Of or relating to meaning" - but 
what is "meaning"? Surely its the interpretation by the user within a 
certain context of certain properties of a 'thing'? In the classic "people 
who bought this book, also bought ..." Amazon example the 'thing' is a 
'book', the 'context' of the user is 'buying a book' and the 'property' of 
the 'books' being linked together is something like 'peer reviews & 

I guess what i'm saying is that semantics are not just important to 
consider when creating organizational schemes - they're mandatory - 
without considering semantics (ie, the meaning your users will infer of 
your content) even your "spatial / hierarchial" schemes might fail.

 - Richard Dalton

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