[Sigia-l] Notification schema?

joe joe at sokohl.com
Tue Jul 8 10:57:49 EDT 2003

anyone done any work or know of any work done on setting up notifications? It might be related to setting preferences, but here's what I'm working on:
* The intranet is largely an information repository.
* Users can comment on documents (discussion group).
* Most documents go through an approval/review workflow, with different statuses throughout the docs' lifecycles.
* Users can also select a specific document to watch, overriding other settings they might've mad.
* The system can send email notification when new documents are created, new discussions are posted, and new statuses are applied.

I'm looking for info about the usability of preference-setting areas. Also, I'm looking for work on the act of notification itself: how much do executive-level users want this kind of information? Has anyone done observed research into this sort of thing?

Anything that might be helpful would be most appreciated...workflow-related stuff that has notification and preference-setting components, that sort of thing.



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