R: [Sigia-l] CMS and IA

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Jan 29 19:03:26 EST 2003

"David Heller" wrote:
> I think you are missing some of the primary purposes of a CMS, which is
> repository centralization, validation & the ability to audit against
> that validation, and business process and the ability to strictly and
> centrally control that business process.

I'm not missing them; I'm ignoring them. CMS (today's varieties) try to
solve problems that are not likely to be around forever. (This'll test your
patience :-)

If I gave you the entire web and said, hey, I need to find stuff and all you
could afford was handcrafted categorization/rigid structuring techniques,
you'd be drafting the entire US population west of Mississippi and the whole
known universe of consultants to manage that task. Then comes a tool like
Google and gives you pretty amazing results with a single click. It simply
changes the rules (and the trends) for the vast majority of search domains.
(This is used to show that established notions can change.)

Now, I gave you an inkling of upcoming stuff (not all OS-based, BTW) that
reorients the thinking on what it means to generate, store, access, control,
distribute, transform, reuse and integrate documents/info/data.

For example, you can post to your corporate blog from within your RSS news
aggregator, which is then hosted on another continent, which then pushes
automated news to your clients, which can then combine it with multiple
other sources to generate HTML pages on the fly, etc. This stuff happens
today. It just starting.

At the risk of repeating myself, the interesting bits here are not that
content management per se is no longer needed. On the contrary, we're going
to need it more. It's just that the notion of a sprawling proprietary app
(CMS) won't cut it, in terms of flexibility, scalability, adaptability, etc.
Its functionalities will be segmented into smaller, more manageable and
agile chunks and then integrated via open-standards.

This won't happen tomorrow, but perhaps next week :-)



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