[Sigia-l] moderation (of various sorts)

Karl Fast karl.fast at pobox.com
Tue Jan 21 15:01:08 EST 2003

> This list has seen far worse exchanges in the past and somehow
> seems to have survived. I'm not entirely sure what the current
> emergency is about that requires such a drastic measure that could
> potentially sap the vibrancy of the list and pave way for its
> demise.

A large part of it, I think, is that so many people who used to make
valuable contributions to SIGIA are leaving. And they leave
reluctantly. They have contributed ideas, criticisms, advice,
encouragment, and more. But now they can't stand to be here.

I agree that healthy debate is a critical element of this community
and we can learn from new ideas and different perspectives. This has
always been a vibrant list. This vibrancy has been the source of
it's charm and appeal. Moderation will surely dampen that.

But it has always been vibrant in a positive, communal way. Spirited
and fractious to be sure, but fun and well worth the effort.

What I hear from those who are leaving is that, for them, SIGIA is
no longer a positive environment. It has become a drain on their
energies. It saps their enthusiasm. They contribute ideas and
criticisms and opinions, but it all comes out black and distorted.

Is it vibrant? Yes.

Is it alive? Yes.

But is it healthy?

The people who are leaving have cast their vote: No. 


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