[Sigia-l] We could just use whiteboards instead.

Adrian Howard adrianh at quietstars.com
Sun Aug 17 10:23:51 EDT 2003

On Saturday, August 16, 2003, at 06:14  pm, Listera wrote:

> Like sausage making, the less you expose the client to your internal
> workflow the better it is.

I'm curious about this - since my experience is the complete opposite.

As the years have gone by I spend more time exposing clients to the way 
projects are developed and have found it benefits the process. If the 
client is directly involved they can catch issues earlier, and 
understand potential problems in the development process/schedule at a 
much more immediate level.

You sometimes need to educate the client a bit first (we are doing X 
and Y because it enables us to move to Z more quickly) but the gain in 
immediacy, and the time you save by not having to create and maintain 
digital models prematurely, more than make up for this minor effort.

Has this been anybody else's experience?


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