[Sigia-l] Any thoughts on this Navigation

Derek R derekr at derekrogerson.com
Tue Aug 5 17:16:45 EDT 2003

>| http://www.spcorp.com/main.html?Y
>| Flash nav in the middle of the page.
>| How would you improve it?

I believe the biggest challenge on this page is the battle between
conventional navigation and Flash navigation.

People typically come to a page, scan for content, and then place *as
premium* in their minds content which signifies *more content* (ie. the
idea of hyper-text) so that 'links/URLS' are weighted more heavily in
the users' minds as 'hot-spots' or places of interest.

Like the way you present nav in the 'about s-p' page, you could use
prompts (like the '>' symbol) to indicate there is navigation present
the main right-nav. 

As it is, the eye is directed more immediately to the 'In the News'
section at middle-bottom (and lower) because that's where the
link-signifiers are located (ie. the 'underlined' words). The straight
text-underlined-URLs draw the MOST attention (ie. task-based) on this

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