[Sigia-l] Horizontal Scroll & Portfolios (easier on the eyes)

Anders Ramsay anders at nyc.rr.com
Mon May 27 12:27:56 EDT 2002

On 5/26/02 5:11 PM, Derek R at derek at derekrogerson.com wrote:

> The portfolio is located here -->
> http://runwithscissors.ca/rws/concepts/index.html

> I think this page demonstrates an advantage in motion for portfolios
> (which finds its results between your ears) since, as humans, we are
> more suited and comfortable with walking sideways like a classic Sears
> catalogue (balanced, fluid-between-your-ears), rather than up 'n' down ?
Not sure if a Sears catalog supports the use of this design.  If a catalog
were designed according to the approach of this page, it would be one long
pullout - certainly attention-grabbing but less practical  (and maybe that
is ok for certain types of portfolios)  What I think makes the horizontal
approach most problematic is that is far more laborious to navigate than a
vertical design, since it prevents me from being able to draw on features
built into the browser/OS, such as the spacebar or the mouse-wheel, for easy
vertical scroll.  Seems that if one wants to go against the grain by having
a design not supported by features built into the system, one should take on
the responsibility of adding one's own features to compensate, in this case
to assist in the horizontal movement.

Check out a decent example of this:
(other problems with the page notwithstanding)

Click on 'info central'

Here, horizontal scroll is integrated with the navigation, which prevents
the user from having to do the unconventional horizontal scrolling to
discover the content, and at the same time adds energy to the design with
the flash-pan movement.

my .02

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