[Sigia-l] Horizontal Scroll & Portfolios (easier on the eyes)

Derek R derek at derekrogerson.com
Mon May 27 09:54:04 EDT 2002

>This has been a common thing to do:
>popular for Flash kids:

Yes, the sideways motion is not-at-all jarring in these sites. One
almost seems to expect it, given our familiarity with TV, (the love of
carousels: merry-go-round, not merry-go-up-n-down) and like a camera,
panning horizontally is 2nd nature. Up 'n' down would throw you off,
shake you out, displace you a slight touch.

>there seems to be a trend...to use a page format
>(which I think is a BAD thing):
>http://www.thisisamagazine.com/ [nasty java resize]

Yes, these sites make little sense -- seemingly poor representations of
representations. Even if just a picture-viewer, one has to wonder at the
restrictive, linear, page-by-page non-motion. (To what end, this?)

I respect the creative exploration of http://thisisamagazine.com,
however while waiting to download the site, one immediately becomes
intimate with why and how the site cannot live up to its labeling. The
taxonomy fails before it even gets started. A more creative inquiry
would be http://thisisawebsite.com -- what would you expect to find

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