[Sigia-l] alternate aplication of card-sorting

tessa tessa7 at pacbell.net
Wed May 22 20:54:58 EDT 2002

hey Markus,

well, it wouldn't be a card sort, but you might try this:

Give the participant a numbered list of tasks or actions (i.e., "Repaginate
a document" or "Create a header") and leave a blank area next to the task in
which to write the options you have provided at the top of the list in a
horizontal row (I also think it may have value to allow the participant to
write in their own, if they do not see an available option that fits for
them). Here is a sample:

File   Edit  View   Insert   Format   Utilities   Macro   Window

1.) Repaginate a document _____________
2.) Create a header _____________
3.) Search for a word _______________
12.) Set up a document preference ___________

This seems like it would be a quick and inexpensive way to collect info on
your categories to see which menu names and structures are the most
intuitive. Also seems very conducive to quantitative analysis - maybe better
card sorts!

I hope that this helps!  :>


> From: Markus Mayer <m.mayer at generali.at>
> Date: Wed, 22 May 2002 10:47:26 +0200
> To: sigia-l at asis.org
> Subject: [Sigia-l] alternate aplication of card-sorting
> Hi folks,
> I was asked by a project manager in my company for help in specifying
> category/topic/link wording on a public website (topic: financial
> services). Since they are on a tight schedule I was thinking about
> conducting card-sorting via e-mail. Do you have any tips/experiences on
> differences between conducting a card sorting with real cards and
> conducting via e-mail?
> How suitable is card-sorting in your opinion for coming up with the actual
> navigation wording (as opposed to the navigation structure). When you are
> not sure about how to label things to you actually give users cards with
> different labels for the same thing asking them not only to group items
> but also to choose among different labels for that item (or suggesting a
> new one)?
> Thanks in advance for your ideas,
> Markus Mayer
> Content Management Symposium, Chicago O'Hare Marriott, June 28 - 30.
> See http://www.asis.org/CM
> ASIST SIG IA: http://www.asis.org/SIG/SIGIA/index.html
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