[Sigia-l] unemployed?

Heller, David david.heller at documentum.com
Wed Jun 5 17:34:42 EDT 2002

IA will not find legitimacy as a Usability advocate. Ziya is totally right.

There are too many other non-IA groups who are just as cognizant and more
legitimized than an IA is.

What do IAs offer? Just plain put, better products and usability is just one
measureable component of what our expertise can offer. The best cases that
show what we can do are the online shopping examples where redesign with an
eye toward IA have actually improved checkout performance.

What IA theories were applied? How did we work with other team members? 

The ED group is working on selling themselves through case study creation,
where are the IA case studies? Do they speak to business people? 

I also (soap box) have said time and again, trying to fill positions that
already exist by claiming the big IA position is just not working. Hone in
your specialty ... This might mean there is less need for IAs, and for those
like myself who had previously taken the big IA role, it is time to find a
new title that works within the organization already.

-- dave
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