[spam] Re: [Sigia-l] [spam] The Value of "IA" or Whatnot,

Listera listera at rcn.com
Wed Jul 17 17:30:59 EDT 2002

"Gene Smith" wrote:

> After all, what do graphic design and database design have in common...

The same process of taking hold of seemingly disparate entities and by force
of will, imagination, logic, intuition, training, aesthetics, style and
common sense shaping them into alignment with given objectives. While the
end product may be different in format, the process of creation is roughly
the same. 

Among other things, I've 'designed' for print/video/web; wrote/shot/edited
film; coded standalone/client-server/web apps; and penned daily articles for
a newspaper, all professionally. To me, the common element has always been
that process of 'design', organization of entities in a given field toward
an objective. That process is remarkably similar, even transferable across

Now, I agree with you that there's something wrong in calling someone who
writes procedural code and is forced into concocting a GUI front-end a "web
designer", but aren't job requirements written by monkeys anyway? :-)



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