[Sigia-l] Combining a FC with distributed authorship

celia romaniuk space at shadowgirl.net
Mon Jul 15 08:43:52 EDT 2002

On Mon, 15 Jul 2002, Donna Maurer wrote:

> I am struggling to figure out how to get authors to 'their' content
> easily in the new system, as their content may not all be grouped
> together, but may be in separate 'areas' of the site.
> Has anyone managed this??
> (Gosh I hope this makes sense - I have a splitting headache after
> arguing about this for an hour with a developer)

I've just finished a "high level design" for a corporate Intranet (for
30-40,000 users) where the navigation categories and content management
branches are different. We did it this way for a few reasons.

The navigation categories were derived from interviews and card sort
workshops, and are things like 'self-service' and 'customer service' and
'our company'.

The content management structure follows the organisational structure
fairly closely, on the understanding that this is easier for the content
providers. The idea is that providers will be able to add content and then
the metadata will be used to pull it into the appropriate navigation

It's untested at the moment (detailed design and implementation happen
over the next few months) but the techies and content specialists have
said that it will.

We're using Plumtree for the user interface layer and Interwoven's
TeamSite for the CMS.

Hope that's of some help to you.


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