[Sigia-l] RE: IA Practice Maturation

Welie, Martijn van martijn.van.welie at satama.com
Fri Apr 19 05:38:51 EDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Frederic Cavazza [mailto:frederic.cavazza at framfab.fr]
> --anti-Americanism (they just didn't want to listen because it was yet
> another instance of the US taking over the world)

As a Dutch person I can only really speak about Holland. I feel we have
a strong focus on good user interface design as far as it is realistically
possible in the current market context. Whether IA is practiced or not is
a simple matter of teminology, we prefer to speak of user centered design.
The world of HCI is already poised of illdefined terms anyway....

The statements in this group is about Europe "lagging behind" is in my
opinion one of those typical unfounded American statements. In that respect
many in this group are doing their country a favour by fuelling the
anti-America feelings of Europeans. How the hell can you compare whether
Europe "lags behind" in terms of IA 
practice????? What are the criteria for such comparisons???? 

I would rather prefer this group to be concerned with solutions to the
day to day problems we are facing in our work, rather than making unfounded
and discriminating comparisons.


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