[Sigia-l] IA myths: conceptual model of navigation - was: mixing applesand oranges and tomatoes

Jesse James Garrett jjg at jjg.net
Fri Apr 12 13:01:35 EDT 2002

At 12:43 PM -0400 4/12/02, Anne Hjortshoj wrote:
>This discussion seems to point to page layout (interface design)
>becoming ever-more-important in the practice of IA (since presenting the
>user with the conceptual model of navigation may be less important than how
>it's presented).

I see these as questions of navigation design, which I agree doesn't 
get enough attention in IA discussions. You can't just sweep 
navigation under the rug of interface and pretend that solves your 

>I know that the core definition of IA leaves this out, and I'm fine with
>that. But I'm not sure it's something that a practicing IA can safely

Information architects do more than information architecture. It has 
always been thus, and always thus it shall be.

Jesse James Garrett         I'm not ignoring you, I'm just writing my book:
jjg at jjg.net                                    http://www.jjg.net/elements/

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